Avoid depression
Did you know that 1 in 4 people will be personally affected by mental health problems, such as depression, during their lifetime?
At the Escort Agency, we have talked about depression countless times, but I think it is a conversation that deserves more attention from us. Especially in Europe, the stigma around this condition prevents many people from asking for help or even admitting that they have a problem.
Depression has been part of my life for many years, and I have to admit that at first, it was hard for me to identify it and figure out what I should do with it. I felt utterly helpless, but I wanted to cover it up, to hide it – because it was hard to admit that I was one of the people suffering from depression. From a very young age, I was taught to give my best; I wanted to prove that I was capable and capable of anything, so when depression crept into my life, I put it aside, and I continued to push myself to show that nothing could bring me down.
As an escort girl, I didn’t know how to be vulnerable; I didn’t want to be… I preferred to deny those deep states of sadness and uselessness and to wear a big smile that would let those around me understand that I am the happiest.
This should have been my alarm signal, but yours, in case you go through this.
When the outside does not reflect what you feel inside, you are most likely facing depression without even being aware of it. One of the most common forms of depression is functional depression: although we feel terrible inside, we do not give up our daily routine and do our best to continue our usual duties. But how long can we continue before we collapse entirely?
A study revealed that 1 in 4 people would be personally affected by mental health problems, such as depression, during their lifetime. This means that there are high chances that a loved one in your life suffers at some point from depression. That’s why I liked the idea of the “Let’s beat depression” campaign, initiated by the association that did the study, with the support of an organization which tries to raise awareness of the difficulty of managing various types of depression, including depression major depression.
The association has extensive experience in helping to reduce the burden, disability and devastation caused by mental health conditions and is dedicated to transforming people’s lives. From family members to medical professionals and people suffering from depression and major depressive disorder, they ensure that we all take better care of ourselves and our loved ones.
How do you know if you or a loved one suffers from major depressive disorder?
According to the information provided by the study, “major depressive disorder is a mood disorder associated with depressive episodes such as depressed mood and loss of interest or pleasure in almost all activities. The symptoms are defined as having a duration of at least two weeks but usually lasting for a much more extended period – months or even years.
In Europe, over 40 million people are diagnosed with depression, which is twice the population of an average country. Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide”.
I want this information to make us pay more attention to our body’s signals and the condition of our loved ones because depression is a condition that often goes undiagnosed, even confused with laziness or carelessness. When you don’t feel like or have the energy to take a bath, see friends or perform specific daily tasks, you’ll be tempted to tell yourself that it’s your fault, that you’re not working hard enough or even that you’re lazy. But these are primarily symptoms of depression that could get worse if you don’t ask for help.
What I felt when I faced depression
I accepted that I suffered from depression very late when I could no longer deny and cover up the sadness and uselessness I felt. However, I love people and enjoy their company; when I suffered from depression, interacting with others no longer brought me joy, and I felt the need to isolate myself.
I was no longer motivated to do the things that generally brought me joy; I felt tired, demotivated, and sad. I didn’t know in which direction to take it. Like many people, I feared I would be judged and suffer in silence. I started to see hope only when I admitted to myself that I had a problem and asked for help.
What helped me overcome depression
First of all, to finally be vulnerable. To talk to people and admit that I suffer, to let them see me as I was: tired, sad, devastated. I accepted that depression is with me and that I need practical tools to overcome this period.
Psychotherapy. Even if it’s hard to admit, we often need specialized help to overcome depression. We need to talk to someone we can open up to without stopping and who can give us the specialist’s perspective on what we feel/experience.
It’s important to give yourself the help you feel you need without thinking that someone will judge you – as long as you’re okay, that’s all that matters. Depending on your symptoms, your psychologist or doctor will refer you to a psychiatrist who can prescribe a treatment. Sometimes, acute depression may require drug treatment to help you overcome this difficult period.
To take care of my soul.
It helped me to look inside myself, listen to my body when it feels it can’t anymore and respect its basic needs. We often get depressed because we force ourselves to do more and more, even when the body and mind are exhausted. It is essential to know your limits and take them into account.
To spend time in nature. Time spent in nature is essential for my mental health. It’s the moment when I return to my body and honor it – we are not made to sit endlessly in front of screens. We need fresh air, sunlight, and the beauty of nature to truly disconnect from our daily worries and problems, which often become overwhelming.
To sleep enough. We want to be productive and sleep less and less, but we don’t realize that chronic fatigue is the precursor to depression. For a clear mind and a strong body, we need restful sleep and relaxing activities that bring us joy.